Green Matters' SEO-Optimized Coverage of Nutr: A Great Example for Socially Responsible Brands


Green Matters' SEO-Optimized Coverage of Nutr: A Great Example for Socially Responsible Brands

As the CEO and founder of Be Influential, a public relations agency that specializes in empowering socially responsible brands, I am excited to share my perspective on the recent Green Matters article featuring Nutr, one of our esteemed clients.

PR and SEO

Source: Unsplash - NisonCo

First, I want to commend the article's author, Sophie Hirsh, for her comprehensive coverage of Nutr and its innovative product, the Nutr Machine. The article offers a detailed and engaging interview with Nutr's founder, Alicia Long, giving readers valuable insights into the company's mission and vision.

From an SEO perspective, this article is a great example of positioning a company as an industry leader using highly relevant and easily searchable keywords. The article's URL contains the words "shark tank" and "nutr machine," which can help investors and consumers find Nutr online. Additionally, the article's numerous mentions of Shark Tank and the embedded Instagram linking to Nutr's official account can leverage the exposure Nutr gained from its appearance on the show.

Source: Green Matters

The article featuring Nutr is highly optimized for search engines. The article's URL contains the keywords "nutr machine" and "shark tank," making it easy for readers to find the article when searching for those terms. This is a smart strategy for attracting potential investors and consumers looking for information about Nutr, a Shark Tank episode, or even healthier alternatives to traditional milk. This is also helpful for specific platforms such as Crunchbase, which automatically indexes relevant investment news and Shark Tank appearances.

Shark Tank Mention

Source: Green Matters

Additionally, the article's title, "The Nutr Machine's Founder, Alicia Long, Wants to "Revolutionize the Milk Industry" (Exclusive)," is a strong example of keyword-rich title tag optimization. The title includes several relevant keywords, such as "Nutr Machine," "Alicia Long," and "revolutionize the milk industry," which can help the article rank higher in search engine results pages.

What sets this article apart is its ability to provide value to its readers while still achieving its SEO goals. The article's focus on Nutr's commitment to sustainability and its effort to create a healthier alternative to traditional milk is informative and engaging.

Non-dairy milk product on Shark Tank

Source: Green Matters

Overall, the Green Matters article about Nutr is a great example of using SEO techniques to attract more visitors to a website and increase a brand's visibility in search results. By incorporating relevant keywords in the article's URL and title, the article is positioned to attract the right audience and generate more leads for Nutr.

As a PR professional, I envision positioning Nutr as a leading brand in a dairy-free industry that values sustainability and wellness while offering a high-quality product that people can trust. This article perfectly aligns with that vision, positioning Nutr as a company revolutionizing the dairy-free industry and a movement for healthier consumer choices.

I am thrilled to represent Nutr, and I believe this Green Matters article is an excellent representation of what makes this company so special. I look forward to continuing to work with Nutr and helping them reach even greater heights.

Helen Sharp

Helen Sharp